Shiny Happy Horses- Horse Care Blog | Lucky Braids for Top Turnout

Shiny Happy Horses

February 15, 2018



True love is making horses comfortable in their skin.  Here's how the feel is passed through generations of great grooms, as well as how you can save on prized grooming products for horses and dogs...

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January 07, 2018



Horses’ natural furnace is their digestive system.  Designed to forage day and night, keeping hay in front of them is one way to keep horses WARM.  Here are IMPORTANT factors regarding: choosing hay, its placement, watering, weight management, etc...

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November 13, 2017


Moving Horses' Blankets

Do you know a horse that gets defensive when you fuss with his blankets?  He's had a bad experience.  Never pull horses' clothes.  It hurts!

To keep horses comfy and warm, fold blankets forward and LIFT to move them. 

Here's more Blanketing Rules.
November 13, 2017


Defend Against Scratches!

Horse Running Scratches


Dampness makes for scratches -- Your best defense against crud on heels is to only put bone dry legs in or out. Great grooms never veer from this rule to live by.  Here's more on how to treat and protect against scratches...

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November 13, 2017


SCRATCHES Myths and Truths

I just read a blog by a very old and prominent company. It was wrought with misinformation. Ugh. To clarify:

The image above shows the results after bathing with Lucky Braids Shampoo.

Rules to know

Rule #1- ALWAYS only put bone dry legs in or out. Using a clean TOWEL to dry legs has MANY benefits. Increasing circulation promotes healing and natural defenses. ONLY dry legs go out or in. Keep a clean towel handy that only gets used to dry clean legs.


Rule #2- DO NOT pick scabs. For one, I know a very seasoned trainer that got her FACE BROKEN doing that. Read: smashed teeth, nose, cheek and jaw. Broken. Apart from hurting, you are just *opening the skin* for more infection. Picking scabs will make a big, sore, oozing mess. Scabs are part of the healing process. Let it run its course.

"I just wanted to say how great your product is working on a bad case of scratches that my horse has had for months. I have tried so many products and nothing helped. I bought the All-In-One Shampoo and Handy Salve. A week and a half after use, I have made some major improvements" -April Greicus

 Rule #3- Clean is NOT enough. Even medicated shampoos can, in the long run, make conditions worse.

 Rule #4- Choose products carefully. A medicated shampoo that dries out the skin is stripping its natural defenses. So, the crud may go away for a moment, but it will return. A greasy ointment is problematic in three ways:

  1. It attracts dirt- the problem
  2. It clogs pores, which inhibits healing
  3. It attracts sun that dries out skin, whereby depleting natural defenses.

Solution against scratches

If you want to be all forward with healing as well as protect the skin… break the cycle of scratches with Lucky Braids Handy Salve and stay out of the loop with our All-In-One Shampoo.

All Lucky Braids products come with a LOVE LOVE Guarantee and are available online.


November 13, 2017


Keeping Tails Healthy and Full

White Horse Tail


Here’s the thing. I’ve talked to many chemists about conditioners. The conversation always hinges on how they get something to stick to the hair. I don’t want something to stick to the hair! Why clog pores and weigh down a horse’s tail??! A tail that falls like dead weight is not healthy nor appealing to me. Plus, you can’t hold it to braid! Ugh.

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October 12, 2017


On Yelling

"The toughest teachers are not those that yell. In fact, training at high end horse shows is rather quiet. Projection can be relaxed and focused, often surprising me how quietly keen horsemen can communicate. There is a technique to bringing volume way down, to talk privately amid others.  It's a real skill, a social grace..."

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