It's HOT, though there are quick and efficient ways to cool horses with little water at the barn or schooling area of shows.
(Sigue traduccion en Espanol)
If overheated horses have been working, it is advisable to walk until the nose stops flaring. Let them drink. But, if they need more help or are just standing and sweating, here's how to offer them quick relief while also conserving water.
You can efficiently refresh horses’ whole bodies by letting water run down the jugular vein and between the hind cheeks.
Use a bucket and sponge or hose to wet:
- Under the throat and neck so water runs along the jugular vein to the chest
- Under the tail so water runs between cheeks
Rather than a full bath, you can cool the blood circulating the body as well as the hottest area.
This is also refreshing for horses competing. Sometimes grooms bring a bucket of water to the schooling area. It can be invigorating to squeeze the sponge between horses' hind legs before entering the ring.
Find more handy horse care tips at The Grooming Resource.
Su caballo tienen CALOR? AHORRE AGUA. Baje la temperatura del caballo fácilmente. Solo moje la vena yugular, donde la cabeza se une con el cuello. Deje el agua correr hasta el pecho. También, moja debajo de la cola dejando correr el agua en medio de sus caderas. Usa una esponja o soga. Así no usas mucha agua para ayudarlos a refrescarse de una manera rápida y efectiva.
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Ruthann Smith