Honoring Thích Nhất Hạnh by Ruthann Smith

Honoring Thích Nhất Hạnh

Thích Nhất Hạnh and Horsemanship

Thích Nhất Hạnh, the great Zen Buddhist monk and peace activist has passed. 

His teachings can not only help us find compassion, but also inspire us to be better horseman.

"My actions are my only true belongings."

May we focus not on what we acquire, but how we care for the horses, each other and the earth.  In the end, our behavior is pivotal and most important, regardless of how success is measured.

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”

We are reminded that our connection is of utmost value.  Being light-footed helps build awareness of everything around us.  We are at our best when we continually respect and honor the earth and each other.

I’m struck by the deafening peacefulness within this image.  The intention is clear in the gesture, as well as the vibration.  I am astounded by how the horses’ fell/way of being reinforces Thích Nhất Hạnh’s teachings.  They are after all, such generous and compassionate souls.  I’m so often struck by their capacity for forgiveness.  Though not visible, I can feel them in the zen spirit here.  It’s profound.

Our life with horses can be so consuming.  As a longtime braider and groom, I’ve always been so grateful and happy when we as a community remember our impact, as well as connection to things greater than ourselves.  We get so busy, it can feel like rare moments when we are reminded that humanity trumps horse shows.  This scene one of them.

Kudos to @stableviewaiken, @blackrubeeequestrian, and @fourschoolsfarm for not only creating this tribute to Thích Nhất Hạnh at a competition in Aiken, South Carolina, but also sharing the image on Instagram.


#peace #RIP #gratitude #equinevibes #thichnhathanh #compassion #meditation #inspiration #mindfulness #healing #zenmaster #buddhism #buddhistmonk #tribute #humanisticbuddhism #zen


Ruthann Smith
Ruthann Smith


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